Jiayi Yi Architecture

Re-Imagined Village

Re-Imagined Village

Through investigation into typological primitive of Labyrinth, Poche and Element as spatial organization, we re-consider their relations through different spatial qualities as they re-sequence, scale and overlay.

As the poche becomes occupiable, elements intersect, and labyrinth disconnects, the type of re-imagined village starts to take shape when each poche unit holds household and connects to other rooftops residing in the vast landscape within the mountains.

type [Converted]3.png

Professor Michael Young, Kutan Ayata

Suburban Housing

Summer 2018 // Architecture + Discourse Studio // Cornell University

Group Work with Caitlin Zhang and Chen Shen

Role: lead group discussions, perform design iterations

Techniques: Rhino, V-Ray, Illustrator, Photoshop