Jiayi Yi Architecture

Expanded Practice

Parametric Interface

Using lettuce sea slug as our inspiration, we investigated into the underlying principle of pattern formation in the natural world, as the reaction-diffusion system. Within this system, two chemicals react with each other under certain k and f rate to form pattnerns as t changes. We did a series of robotic drawings based on change of t to capture the nuances betweem each time frame. Currently we are incorporating z axis into the system under different k and f rate scenarios.

Envisioning the beach as the buffer between natural coastal line and rapid human construction, we create the interface with sand to prevent desalination and filter pollution as the gradient patterns serve as buffer, threshold and filtration. We will produce prototypes of each in our next steps. 


Professor Jenny Sabin


Makers District beach, Abu Dhabi

Spring 2019 // Design Studio // Cornell University

Group Work, Partner with Yanyang Hou

Techniques: Rhino, Grasshopper, Illustrator, Robotic Fabrication, Processing, C#